“Art opens up new opportunities for us to express ourselves through the work we do.”

— Daybreak Artist, Daniel Holmes

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Artist Collective Program

Our Artist Collective Program equips people impacted by homelessness with the artistic resources, training, and marketplace to gain financial independence and overcome barriers to employment by leveraging their creative talent to earn meaningful and legal income.

“When you don’t have the right school, the right gallery, and the right representation, you don’t get seen. Daybreak Arts is a really great way to get my artwork out there and make a little money.”

— Daybreak Artist, BANDY

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Shared Walls Art Program

Our Shared Walls Art Program (SWAP) provides an art piece to both a sponsor and a low-income individual or family moving into affordable housing provided by Urban Housing Solutions (UHS). SWAP also provides income, resources, and confidence to artists impacted by homelessness in our Artist Collective Program. Help make art ownership more accessible by becoming a SWAP sponsor today!

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Community Arts Program

Coming soon: Stay tuned.

Our Community Arts Program offers access to art making and enhanced quality of life by providing free art supplies for our community through pop-up events with homeless service organizations. The goal of the Community Arts Program is to foster a sense of belonging and inclusion in the community through creating art. This program will be a reimagining of our bi-annual Community Art Days we hosted from 2011-2015.